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FERTISUR present in SIAGRO NORTE 2017 Piura
From 23 to 25 May, the International Symposium of Agro SIAGRO – NORTE was held in the City of the Eternal Sun – Piura. [...]
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FERTISUR at the second edition of SIAGRO SUR 2017 – Ica
In the city of Ica, the second edition of the International Symposium of Agro SIAGRO SUR was held. Held from 11 to 14 July at the [...]
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FERTISUR contributes to the development of the most important sectors of Peru
FERTISUR from several years contributes positively with the following sectors: Agricultural: our products are sold as Soluble [...]
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Potassium chloride or Muriate of potassium, the essential element
FERTISUR SAC, a Peruvian company with national and international presence, offers fertilizers for agriculture, among which [...]
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